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Posted By: Singularity Legal

Tags: Litigation Finance in India


Litigation Finance in India

In the last decade, litigation finance has seen substantial growth globally. The Indian market is uniquely lucrative for funders, because the torts of champerty and maintenance never had force in India. Consequently, global litigation funders are increasingly looking to fund Indian disputes and parties.

To ensure smooth growth in the Indian market and increase confidence among Indian consumers, funders have come together with institutions and legal service providers to form the ‘Indian Association for Litigation Finance’ (“IALF”) - a body that will self-regulate and promote knowledge about litigation finance in India. Sophisticated, global players such as Omni Bridgeway, Phoenix Advisors, Profile Investment and Marsh are involved with the IALF. Service providers such as PSL Chambers, FTI Consulting, ICC, Grant Thornton and Singularity Legal are also involved.

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